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March 18,2022

Construction Update – March

Find out what’s happening at Verdant Hill!


We are pleased to deliver the latest update on construction progress at Verdant Hill.


Stage 6A

Topsoil stripping has now been completed and bulk earthworks are nearing completion.

Also, near completion is the installation of sewerage reticulation and a drainage trench has been excavated to allow for the stormwater drainage pit and pipe installation.

Water reticulation is to commence once stormwater drainage works have been completed.


Stage 12

Site topsoiling and asphalt works have been completed.

The last remaining bus stop concrete work along Midollo Avenue will be poured in the coming days and council PC inspection will be held on-site in early March with PC and SOC to follow shortly thereafter.

Powercor site audit is due to commence next week and Powercor consent to SOC to follow with titles anticipated Mid-April, subjet to SOC consent.


Stage 13

Site topsoiling and site pegging are progressing and concrete works (footpath and driveway) have been completed.

Asphalt wearing course and line marking to be installed mid-March with council PC inspection to be held around this time.

The preliminary final audit on electrical works will commence next week.

Water swabbing has been completed with pressure, chlorination, and water quality testing to follow.

Communication line to be installed this month with SOC to follow.


Dry Creek

Survey set-out work is ongoing and another ecologist report is to be conducted soon.

We look forward to delivering news of further construction milestones frequently, as we move forward into what will be a fabulous year for growth at Verdant Hill, Tarneit.